30 & 60 Day Minimalism Challenges
Okay! So because I have these PDFs linked in a YouTube video I thought I would put them on here to make them more accessible. If you're ever searching for anything in particular on this blog use the search bar in the side column >>>. But for now, let's cover these 30 and 60 day challenges.
The 30 Day Minimalism Challenge is the original I created back in 2015. It's a short guide designed to give you one task to follow per day to send you on your way to your minimalism dreams (perhaps a slight exaggeration, but it will definitely set you off on the right foot if you're not sure how to start decluttering).
I created this challenge to expand upon the original 30 day challenge, and to provide people with more detail about how to do each task. The 60 Day Minimalism Challenge is in a slightly different order to the 30 day version, but it has a description box under each day, so if you get stuck, simply read the description!